Changing the header background color for each column

Hi Team,

Are you planning to support changing the header background color for each column?


Hi Kosuke,

Welcome to the Datagrok community!

Yes, we had this idea before but never implemented it; let’s see if we can include it in the upcoming 1.19 release. We’ll keep you updated.


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Plus one, good idea.

Hi Kosuke and Tom,

Just wanted to give an update on this - we’ve made very good progress with exposing multiple grid cell properties to users. Still plenty of work left (mostly with the UI editing working flawlessly), but I’m pretty confident that this is going to be a part of the 1.19 release.

This will also cover previously requested features regarding text alignment, etc.


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Hi Andrew,

Thank you for sharing update.
That’s great !!
Looking forward to using ver 1.19
