PieChart issues

Hi team,
Today, I used the Datagrok PieChart to analyze some usage stats.
While doing so, I stumbled over a couple of PieChart issues (some cosmetics, but also more blocking issues):

  • The chart is cut-off at the left
  • The legend is cut-off at the right
  • Some segments cannot be marked or hovered to see the tooltip
  • I couldn’t find any “order segments by” property (current order seems a bit arbitrary and ordering by size would probably be a good default)
  • There is no way to show the legend label on the segment (next to the percentage)
  • The option for showing the inner label is inverted (turning it on hides the label, instead of the other way around):

Hi Nico, thanks for reporting! I have registered your suggestions in our bug and improvement tracking system.

Hi Nico,
We’ve fixed all the issues and bugs you noticed.
Also we’ve added properties that allow you to set the sorting type of the segments (with the segments size by default).
We also added the logic for displaying labels to small segments.
Thanks for your attention to details!

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