Project management and sharing

I would like to discuss the methods of sharing the project. We are trying to create a project with a structure like the one in the diagram to meet the needs of each user. Specifically, we plan to share a project at first that already includes the necessary information as a “Parent project”, along with basic visualization methods. Each user can then create a “Child project” by adding their preferred visualization methods or organizing the order of columns.

There are two issues we are facing. Firstly, we cannot save a modified project as a new child project; in other words, we cannot find an option to save it with a new name (similar to “Save As”). Secondly, even if the Parent/Child project method works well, we are concerned that having too many Child projects will clutter the project display.

How do other clients manage projects created by users? There may be options such as downloading .d42 files or .layout, but if there are recommended methods, we would appreciate it if you could share them with us. Besides, it would be helpful as well if you coud share about how to utilize namespace setting (root/regular) to manage project. Documentation information url is helpful enough if it is already described.

Hi Kosuke, you have raised a really good question!

Indeed, while you download and later apply .d42/csv and layout files, currently there is no straightforward way to establish that sort of relationship, where each user would maintain a completely different set of visualizations for the project. However, we are working on a solution, hopefully it will be ready for the upcoming 1.18 release. @alex.paramonov is leading the initiative so I think he will chime in once he comes back from the vacation :slight_smile:


Hi Andrew,
Thank you for your kind note. And I should have read community topics more carefully, because there was a very similar (or the same) topic, Duplicate Projects.
Besides, I appreciate your sharing current detour to meet what I want to do. I am looking forward to using future version having such feature.

Hi, Yes, we are planning to implement project cloning shortly.


In 1.18.0 there is an ability to clone project.
You can choose if you want clone table or make a link to the table in “parent” project.

Also, you can drag-n-drop any existing table to your new project and link it or clone.


Dear Alex,
Thank you for dealing with this request, I appreciate it.